Lifebit’s Approach to Data Governance & Security
Download White PaperLifebit’s Platform offers researchers and clinicians a data-driven view into the determinants of health and disease, facilitating clinical impacts and accelerating drug discovery. However, the inherent value and sensitivity of health data means that it needs to be protected with best-in-class security procedures. Lifebit guarantees exceptionally high security standards for our clients; working proactively with organisations to ensure they meet and exceed industry standards.
The Lifebit Data Governance Programme
Lifebit’s approach to Data Governance is end-to-end security by design, maximising security at the level of access, the data, our system and our network.
Access Security
To restrict and monitor who accesses the Platform and data, the Lifebit Data Governance Programme includes user authentication and tiered data access with role-based access control, so only authorised individuals can gain access to specific data information.
Data Security
To safeguard participant data, the Lifebit Data Governance Programme has automated processes, including federated architecture and segregated users, projects and data. Data is kept secure in the hands of data custodians and can only be exported by users at aggregate-level data through a secure data export system. To keep sensitive information safe, data is always encrypted and anonymised when being stored or analysed.
System Security
The Lifebit Data Governance Programme maintains and monitors Platform operations at system-wide level. Lifebit has a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan, monitored logging and auditing, as well as vulnerability testing.
Validated Security and Privacy
Lifebit works closely with clients to comply with their sensitive data requirements. All Lifebit staff and vendors undergo background checks and security training. Lifebit believes in high-quality patient and public engagement and maintaining transparency on platform compliance and data governance procedures.

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