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Building cohorts and tables using complex querying

For most research studies using real world health data, the first step is the important process of defining the cohort of interest. Cohort building uses defined inclusion and exclusion criteria that fits a given research question, and then the cohort can be used for downstream analysis, such as GWAS or diagnostic discovery. Health data can also be explored to find data trends or phenotypes of interest for hypothesis generation.

This second training session of the Data Science Get Results series will demonstrate how to explore data using more complex queries with the full power of SQL syntax. SQL will be used to effectively join and manipulate tables and once built, you will see how to save and share queries. Finally, we will touch on loading the data into an interactive analysis session for further data wrangling and exploration.

Note that the data utilised in this session is synthetic, and does not include any participant identifiable information. Only users who are registered to use the Lifebit Platform across any Lifebit client will be eligible to attend this course. Any attendees who do not meet this criteria will be unregistered prior to the course.


What you will learn

  1. How to use SQL for cohort building
  2. How to join and create informative tables for data exploration or downstream analysis
  3. Exploring cohorts further using interactive analysis



Data Science

Target audience

This course is intended for researchers who need to browse data and create cohorts with inclusion/exclusion criteria using SQL or with interactive analysis tools. Attendees tend to be academic researchers, data scientists, pharmaceutical researchers or clinicians. Basic understanding of SQL is beneficial. Only users who are registered to use the Lifebit Platform across any Lifebit client will be eligible to attend this course.
