Data diversity in genomics - webinar

6 July 2023

At our webinar in July we were joined by some of the world's most innovative pioneers in genomic data research and technology.

Genomic studies are celebrated for the transformative impact on human health and wellbeing, with recent examples during the pandemic demonstrating the value of this area of science. It is widely known, however, that the limitation in diverse genomic data and research results in inequalities in access to genomic and personalised medicine, largely affecting communities that are traditionally underserved.

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July 6 2023
BST 16:30-18:00
Data Diversity
Precision Medicine
Expert Speakers

Chaired by Thorben Seeger, Chief Business Development Officer at Lifebit, the webinar  explored issues around:

  • How to ensure populations whose data are the focus of genomic research reap the benefits of the scientific outputs
  • Opportunities to empower local researchers with studies that are focused on the specific needs of local populations
  • Overcoming the barriers of linking data across countries and regions to generate global learnings and insights

The webinar consisted of talks, discussions and an opportunity for audience questions and participation. 

Watch the recording >




July 6 2023 BST
Welcome and Introductions -
Thorben Seeger, Lifebit
Leveraging Brazilian diversity to speed innovation - Prof Lygia da Veiga Pereira, Gen-T Science
Leading community-based research in Latin America - Victor Angel-Mosti, Omica Bio
Equitable Genomic Medicine - Genomics England approach - Dr Matt Silver, Genomics England
Driving diversity through federated data linkage and analysis - Dr Maria Dunford, Lifebit
Panel discussion - exploring key challenges and opportunities. Followed by Q&A
Prof Lygia da Veiga Pereira,
CEO, gen-t
Dr. Pereira has a BA in Physics from PUC-RJ, a M.S. in Biophysics from UFRJ, and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences/Human Genetics from the Mount Sinai Graduate School/City University of New York. In 1996 she joined the University of São Paulo at the Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, where she established the first lines of murine ES cells and first knockout mice (model for Marfan syndrome) in Brazil, and in 2008 the first lines of human ES cells in the country. In 2019 she launched the DNA do Brasil Project, a population genomics initiative; and in 2021 she founded gen-t, a biotech leveraging the genomic diversity of the Brazilian population to foster R&I in the pharma industry. She is currently CEO of gen-t and Full Professor at the University of São Paulo.
Victor Angel-Mosti
CEO and Founder of Omica Bio
Victor is CEO and Founder of Omica, a community of physicians, patients and researchers working together to build a new healthcare paradigm in Latin America. He is a bioengineer and designer working at the intersection of genomics and biodiversity.Victor previously served as CEO of MariMori Bioscience, a natural product discovery company, and as Vice President at Uncharted, a pioneer in smart cities infrastructure.
Dr Maria Dunford
CEO, Lifebit
Dr. Maria Chatzou Dunford has over 15 years of experience in bioinformatics, biomedicine and developing the tools and platforms necessary to bring large-scale precision medicine projects to life globally. As a researcher at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Maria designed tools and methods that facilitate the analysis of large-scale biomedical data and was part of the developing team of Nextflow, the programming framework which has revolutionised the computational analysis of genomic data Maria is a proactive and goal-oriented leader and an established industry expert in science-based solutions that propel genomics and personalised medicine forward, including HPC, Big Data, Cloud, and AI. A passionate entrepreneur, Dr. Chatzou Dunford has founded two companies: Innovation Forum Barcelona and Lifebit. Maria is a visionary in the field of bioinformatics and precision medicine, contributing to numerous consortia, high impact publications and international speaking engagements.
Dr Matt Silver
Lead Genomic Data Scientist, Diverse Data at Genomics England
Matt is Lead Genomic Data Scientist for the Diverse Data Initiative within Genomics England. Genomics England’s Diverse Data Initiative aims to reduce health inequalities and improve patient outcomes in genomic medicine for minoritised communities in the UK. Matt’s previous academic work focused on epigenetic modifications in the early embryo and their potential role in mediating the effects of early life exposures on long-term health outcomes in a rural Gambian population. Matt holds honorary academic positions as a Senior Research Fellow in the Nutrition & Planetary Health Theme at the Medical Research Council Unit, The Gambia and as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

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