BIA Women in Biotech

9 March 2023

The event explored how technology can help to improve health equity and how we can improve diversity and equality at the intersection of technology and life sciences. 

March 9 2023
Wellcome Trust
Genome Campus
Hinxton Hall, Hinxton
CB10 1RQ
Lifebit Speaker

Lifebit’s Lead for Precision Medicine & Clinical Genetics, Chiara Baccheli, joined a panel of female leaders from biotechnology companies to discuss the theme of equity.  The panel discussed their careers in industry and academia and the differences between working in these sectors. In addition to exploring what equity means for the individual panellists the group also discussed the issues around lack of equity in data for health research.

Chaira talked about her role at Lifebit and her passion for human genetics to find cures for rare diseases. She highlighted the importance of linking up data sources, securely and safely to expand the research insights for wider population benefit. 


″Many women are leaving science quite early on in their career. Sexisim, discrimination, and unconscious bias are still running very high in academia, usually perpetrated by someone who wants to maintain power. ″

Chiara Baccheli, Precision Medicine & Clinical Genetics Lead, Lifebit
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Hall, Hinxton
CB10 1RQ
Chiara Baccheli
Precision Medicine & Clinical Genetics Lead
Ruchi Chauhan
COO & Co-founder, NonExomics Inc
Pahini Pandya
CEO, Panakeia Technologies
Sheuli Porkess
Chief Medical Officer Life Sciences, C2-Ai

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